URBAN NATION presents: Project M/14 – Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia

  • by BLITZEN

Curated by Yasha Young, URBAN NATION, and Danijela Krha Purssey, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, Gaia
Reborn: A Future Utopia aims to inspire in visitors a vision, appreciation and care of Gaia, our Mother Earth.
Fifty of the world’s best artists in pop, surrealism and lowbrow and urban contemporary art are working towards
change and aim to convey the importance of conserving our planet.

In 2019, URBAN NATION is focusing on the environment and sustainability and is celebrating the “Earth Year” through a variety of exhibition focal points and activities. At the invitation of Yasha Young,Director of Berlin’s URBAN NATION MUSEUM FOR URBAN CONTEMPORARY ART, the Australian Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is hosting its first museum exhibition. Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia shows the works of over fifty of the world’s top artists in contemporary representational art, across all styles and traditional mediums, all individually and collectively bringing to life a theme of infinite importance: the conservation of our planet. As social visionaries, the artists direct people’s attention towards ecosystems, types of plants and animals and their endangerment and neglect by humanity. The artworks
were created specifically for this exhibition – they are world exclusives. The opening of Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia will be an immersive experience and will include a haunting operatic performance by Roxanna Walitzki. The space will be transformed by a luxuriance of
greenery, the aroma of wood chips delighting the senses; a huge living tree will invite you into the main room while, in the production office of URBAN NATION, rich dark walls will cocoon and showcase the deeply evocative artwork.

“Artists are society’s visionaries, so it is our hope that through this collection we can inspire thought, discussion, and a deeper connection with the earth. Only if we as a society once again truly value and respect Gaia, our Mother Earth, can we create a future utopia, one in which all of her creatures can thrive. Only in this way, can we ensure that we leave a vibrant, living planet to the next generation and those that follow.”, says Danijela Krha Purssey, Co-Founder and Editor of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.

Yasha Young and Danijela Krha Purssey collaborate in pursuing the same goals and visions. Both aim to promote creativity that is forward-looking and political. The URBAN NATION MUSEUM FOR URBAN CONTEMPORARY ART was brought to life in order to highlight and support a prestigious art movement in all its modern forms. URBAN NATION wishes to show a form of art still underrepresented at traditional art fairs: the kind of art that Beautiful Bizarre Magazine champions through the magazine, curated exhibitions and web and social media networks.

“To me, this project is extremely inspiring and exactly what I would have hoped for: to be able to support curators from around the world as the director of an international institution and to further our vision that I have defined as the centerpiece of URBAN NATION. My task is not only to support artists, but also the entire infrastructure, such as galleries and independent curators,” says Yasha Young, Director of the URBAN NATION MUSEUM.

URBAN NATION presents: Project M/14 – Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia
When: 11 May, 2019, 6:30 PM
Where: URBAN NATION Production Office, Bülowstraße 97, 10783 Berlin
Admission is free.
The exhibition is open from 11 May to 10 July 2019, Tuesdays to Sundays from 10 AM to 6 PM.

If you would like to have an interview with artists, Yasha Young and Danijela Khra Purssey, please send an email to pr@urban-nation.com.