Community Wall by Miss Glueniverse and Joanna Wietecka
- November 30, 2021
With the Community Wall on Frobenstraße in Berlin-Schöneberg, two artists have taken collage to a new level: On the surface of the 14 (!) meter long wall, two huge paste-ups were created, which deal with life in Berlin. The motto: different but the same. The title: Berlin City Life
Berlin with its many faces always manages to create a unifying narrative. The same happens in this collaboration by Miss Glueniverse and Joanna Wietecka. Everyday life in the city and its inhabitants find as much leeway in the work as its landmarks, party hot spots, political center and troubled history. Connection is created through the symbolization of creativity, the depicted occupation of urban spaces and the general fragmentary nature of life in Berlin.
Frobestraße, Berlin-Schöneberg
Photos: BerlinArtCore