- Urban Nation
- January 28, 2015
Adam Feibelman aka Adam5100 is a San Francisco based Urban Contemporary Artist who is known best for his stencil and cut paper based works. […]
Adam Feibelman aka Adam5100 is a San Francisco based Urban Contemporary Artist who is known best for his stencil and cut paper based works. Originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Adam5100 spent his childhood and youth examining and interacting with the surfaces of the city through making graffiti art. Structures of things around us are the foucs of his work: buildings, doorways, fenced trees, discarded buses and chipped alley walls that fill cities and map lives. By using hand-cut stencils and enamel painting, Adam5100 concentrates on the relationship between perception of eternal and temporary as well as the landscapes around us that seem to be filled with utilitarian objects.