Toronto / Canada

Canada-based Alex Garant is an artist whose techniques consist of traditional style paintings mixed with a graphical characteristic. Also known as the ‘Queen of Double Eyes’, her paintings feature eyes being doubled to create an optical illusion. Alex Garant’s works are featured in the URBAN NATION 2018 exhibition, ‘UN-DERSTAND The Power of Art as a Social Architect’. […]

Biography / ALEX GARANT

Canada-based Alex Garant is an artist whose techniques consist of traditional style paintings mixed with a graphical characteristic. Also known as the ‘Queen of Double Eyes’, her paintings feature eyes being doubled to create an optical illusion. Alex Garant’s works are featured in the URBAN NATION 2018 exhibition, ‘UN-DERSTAND The Power of Art as a Social Architect’.

A graduate of Visual Arts from Campus Notre-Dame-de Foy in 2001, she then settled in Toronto. It was not until 2012, when she whole-heartedly committed to her passion of being an artist after suffering from a heart attack, little did she know how impactful her art would be.

Establishing herself as a significant figure of the Glitch Art world, she uses patterns, symmetry and combines this with graphic super-positioning as fundamental components of her artistic moniker.

Alex Garant’s works of art creates a space for discourse, engaging the viewers of her art to analyse the image and to transform their own opinions and perspectives differently.

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