Drew Leshko

Philadelphia / USA

Drew Leshko is an artist based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By using techniques such as carving, cutting, and layering varieties of paper and wood, Leshko creates an archive that analyses the architecture from his neighbourhood and from this, creates three dimensional buildings that are in an age of change. Leshko’s works are featured in the URBAN NATION 2018 exhibition, ‘UN-DERSTAND The Power of Art as a Social Architect’. […]

Biography / Drew Leshko

Drew Leshko is an artist based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By using techniques such as carving, cutting, and layering varieties of paper and wood, Leshko creates an archive that analyses the architecture from his neighbourhood and from this, creates three dimensional buildings that are in an age of change. Leshko’s works are featured in the URBAN NATION 2018 exhibition, ‘UN-DERSTAND The Power of Art as a Social Architect’.

In a society that constantly upgrades and disposes the past, Drew Leshko intentions are to preserve these relics of the past. With a skilled attention to detail, Leshko creates miniature versions of the buildings, vehicles, and other things he encounters across his neighbourhood, into paper sculptures. The buildings that attract the attention of Drew the most are the derelict, dilapidated due to their how close they ay be to redevelopment. Some of the many focuses he has included in his work have included a local strip bar, ice machines, a church and even dumpsters, to a scale of 1:12 to cerate a dollhouse aesthetic with the accuracy similar to the buildings themselves.

Featured on Urban Nation