Based in New York and San Francisco, Ryan Marin, better known as Lucky Rabbit, is an American visual artist and entrepreneur. He uses mixed media and a slew of fabrics to create his comic book like art works. Working on canvas, walls, garment and skateboard decks, he has built a broad portfolio and exhibited his work in galleries around the US. Lucky Rabbit has collaborated with URBAN NATION by contributing his works on a Community Wall project in 2018. […]
Based in New York and San Francisco, Ryan Marin, better known as Lucky Rabbit, is an American visual artist and entrepreneur. He uses mixed media and a slew of fabrics to create his comic book like art works. Working on canvas, walls, garment and skateboard decks, he has built a broad portfolio and exhibited his work in galleries around the US. Lucky Rabbit has collaborated with URBAN NATION by contributing his works on a Community Wall project in 2018.
A comic book fan from a young age on, their visuals were the main source of inspiration for Marin when he first started experimenting with art. Implementing characters from Walt Disney as well as science fiction motifs like robots and monsters into his work and combining them with element from skateboard culture, he created his own visual. Another source of inspiration were childhood toys and stuffed animals, which have, in altered form, found their way into his work. With his colourful and weird, yet strangely familiar looking artworks, he is looking to create and send love and meet and influence others who share the same passion.