Santa Catarina / Brazil

Brazilian artist Mateus Bailon’s work explores narratives that seek to recall the connection between the human being and nature with the main characteristic for his paintings are his fantastic creatures, especially birds. Bailon worked with URBAN NATION in context of the Project M/13, ‘The Monster Project’ and for the ‘Juxtapoz Clubhouse’ event in Miami. […]


Brazilian artist Mateus Bailon’s work explores narratives that seek to recall the connection between the human being and nature with the main characteristic for his paintings are his fantastic creatures, especially birds. Bailon worked with URBAN NATION in context of the Project M/13, ‘The Monster Project’ and for the ‘Juxtapoz Clubhouse’ event in Miami.

On the one hand Bailon, born in Santa Catarina, grew up surrounded by the amazing biodiversity of Brazilian Atlantic forest, on the other hand he was forced to witness the sad decay of nature promoted by human’s greed. These experiences found its way into his artworks and to the streets, transferring the power of nature to the urban concrete jungle, in the form of fantastic creatures and hybrid animals from Bailon’s mythological universe. At the same time Bailon uses his paintings and exhibitions to lead away human beings into his magic forest. By offering a sensorial experience, Bailon wants to empower the natural world and promote awareness