
Sheffield / UK

Rocket01 is a Sheffield based graffiti, street and fine art specialist. With more than 20 years presence on the scene, Rocket01 has created his own surreal style combined with impressive portraits, which is truly unique and clear. Rocket01 has collaborated with URBAN NATION by contributing his works on a One Wall project in 2017. […]

Biography / Rocket01

Rocket01 is a Sheffield based graffiti, street and fine art specialist. With more than 20 years presence on the scene, Rocket01 has created his own surreal style combined with impressive portraits, which is truly unique and clear. Rocket01 has collaborated with URBAN NATION by contributing his works on a One Wall project in 2017.

This UK artist has more than just a unique style. Even before obtaining his degree in fine arts, his already well-known artwork was admired across Sheffield and since then has appeared across Europe in Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria and Greece. Rocket01’s initial idea was to start working on abandoned locations, initially because of his art style and philosophy that is always connected with nature, to give them a bit of soul, a bit of nature. Rocket01 is on of the slowly growing group of people that believes in a post-apocalyptic world, where people finally learn to live with the nature and not against it. This is the message that he never misses to communicate in his canvas paintings, street or big wall art. Rocket01 is a splendid artist.

Featured on Urban Nation

  • Projects
Rocket01, originally from Sheffield, UK, works in public spaces for more than 20 years. What makes his style special is the dreamy atmosphere that combines human portraits with organic elements as flowers. Rocket01 creates a fantasy world set in the

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