My One Wall
- My One Wall
- December 15, 2021
The project “ONE WALL – one wall, one artist, one message” URBAN NATION has been inviting internationally renowned artists to realize monumental murals on building facades in Berlin since 2014. For these ONE WALLS, the artists always deal with the respective surroundings and thus link art and neighborhood.
“MY ONE WALL” took the opposite approach and linked the neighborhood with art: 20 students of the Otto-Wels-Grundschule (Otto Wels Elementary School) worked intensively on the six ONE WALLS in their neighborhood around Wassertorstraße in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Ultimately, the kids were inspired to express their own personal messages through art. The finished artworks have been digitized and integrated into the original wall motifs.
“My ONE WALL” was realized in October 2021 by artist Markus Georg aka @markeasy_
and teacher André Schuhmann. The project is funded by the Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung @kulturprojekteberlin & the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, as well as the Stiftung Berliner Leben.
Photos: Sebastian Kläbsch for the Stiftung Berliner Leben
(Museums management until 08/21: Jan Sauerwald)