Bojan Stojčić (Sarajevo, 1988.) is an artist from Bosnia and Herzegovina. An alum of Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, Stojčić was most recently granted the Collegium Artisticum Book Award for the self-published artistic project "No Trace Promises The Path". […]
Bojan Stojčić (Sarajevo, 1988.) is an artist from Bosnia and Herzegovina. An alum of Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, Stojčić was most recently granted the Collegium Artisticum Book Award for the self-published artistic project “No Trace Promises The Path”. Aside from various collective and solo exhibitions, the latter most recently in Grenoble, France and Novi Sad, Serbia, Stojčić is featured in several European collections, including the agnès b. Foundation and Deutsche Telecom collection. When he is not in Berlin, Stojčić runs his art and design studio in Sarajevo. Bojan Stojčić was a scholar of Fresh A.I.R. #3.
Project discription:
In „Die deutsche Turnkunst“, Stojčić and his subjects follow a series of physical exercise instructions concieved in 1816 book of the same name. By reading and performing according to the manuscript of the German author Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, Stojčić engages Berlin’s landscapes, moments and citizens. Poetry of situation which he refers to is drawn from the scrutinization of the perceived common national body language.