New York / USA

If you are passing by the Brooklyn neighbourhoods, some parts of Manhattan, or even Berlin, your eye will definitely notice a unique collage artwork and have no doubt that the name behind it is the one of El Sol 25. He is a collage artist who mainly creates original painting cut compositions and wheat-pastes them onto walls. El Sol 25 works can be found on their collaboration with URBAN NATION on Project M/7 in 2015. […]

Biography / EL SOL 25

If you are passing by the Brooklyn neighbourhoods, some parts of Manhattan, or even Berlin, your eye will definitely notice a unique collage artwork and have no doubt that the name behind it is the one of El Sol 25. He is a collage artist who mainly creates original painting cut compositions and wheat-pastes them onto walls. El Sol 25 works can be found on their collaboration with URBAN NATION on Project M/7 in 2015.

This self-taught former graffiti artist with his mysterious artwork manages to keep New Yorkers amused and puzzled for almost half a decade. Do not get stumbled if while trying to unknot his pieces of art you find something in common with the classical, the folk, the agrarian, the Egyptian tunics, the Greek marble, Sioux head dresses, sports trading cards, Depression-era glass and much more. His strongest work in Berlin is definitely the portrait of Höch for PERSONS OF INTEREST because of his personal admiration towards this huge German innovator lady. This admiration continues with the use and intensity of the amber shade. Adding this to his chaotic aspect of the society, the embracing of diversity and the absence of it, moreover questioning the gender constructions El Sol 25 manages to transmit a wonderful message for every eye out there.   

Featured on Urban Nation

  • Project M
URBAN NATION presents Project M/7
URBAN NATION presents Project M/7 „Persons of interest“ curated by Jamie Rojo & Steven P. Harrington of Brooklyn Street Art. THANK YOU to everyone involved and to all supporters of our URBAN NATION projects!