Noemi Conan

London / United Kingdom

Noemi S. Conan is a Polish visual artist who currently lives and works in London. Her vibrant use of female figures draw inspiration from Slavic folklore. She holds a BA (Hons) in Painting and Printmaking from Glasgow School of Art and her work has been exhibited on an international scale throughout the UK and Europe. […]

Biography / Noemi Conan

Noemi S. Conan is a Polish visual artist who currently lives and works in London. Her vibrant use of female figures draw inspiration from Slavic folklore. She holds a BA (Hons.) in Painting and Printmaking from Glasgow School of Art and her work has been exhibited on an international scale throughout the UK and Europe.

Conan’s practice uses folkloric female figures of ‘Rusalki’ to explore, recall and share half-remembered icons of post-communism. Her work is influenced by aesthetics of the USSR, and the portrayal of women in the vast murals of the era. She plays with the duality of femininity and strength – as a backhanded
compliment given to women.

Her work “NOTHING RYHMES WITH ORANGE” is currently on display in the exhibition “Talking…& Other Banana Skins“.

Featured on Urban Nation

  • Press Release
Friday June 17th 2022, 7pm at URBAN NATION Museum Bülowstraße 7, 10783 Berlin PRESS TOUR: Thursday June 16th, 11pm Register here: June 2022 – August 2024 URBAN NATION presents TALKING… & OTHER BANANA SKINS, curated by Michelle Houston. The colorful and