Plotbot Ken

Berlin / Germany

The art of German street artist Plotbot KEN started from the small scale on the street and has since then gone all the way to the jumbo sizes. Plotbot KEN’s murals are impressive examples of the darker side of stencil art. Selected works can be found in Plotbot KEN’s collaboration with URBAN NATION on Project M/3 in 2014. […]

Biography / Plotbot Ken

The art of German street artist Plotbot KEN started from the small scale on the street and has since then gone all the way to the jumbo sizes. Plotbot KEN’s murals are impressive examples of the darker side of stencil art. Selected works can be found in Plotbot KEN’s collaboration with URBAN NATION on Project M/3 in 2014.

Plotbot KEN is known for his multi-layered stencil artworks: his incredibly detailed monochromatic pieces are fuscous witnesses of nightmarish moments from a dystopian future and our cruel past. HAZMAT suits, gas masks, First World War uniforms, a style that reminds black and white photograpy. Plotbot KEN’s oeuvre consists of monuments to humanity’s failure of being human. After all, it was the Fukushima incident in 2011 that fuelled the artist’s dark approach to urban art and until today, his pieces remind us that human society can mess up at any moment.

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