Regina Vitányi is a graphic designer and printmaker from Hungary, who constantly challenges the boundaries between her two fields of expertise. She experiments with unique printing solutions, and creates time and motion based printed material which interacts with the viewer. In […]
Regina Vitányi is a graphic designer and printmaker from Hungary, who constantly challenges the boundaries between her two fields of expertise. She experiments with unique printing solutions, and creates time and motion based printed material which interacts with the viewer. In recent years she was focusing on experimental book design, and collected awards from ArtHungy and UBDYA. She studied at METU Budapest and ASP Wrocław, gaining inspiration for poster making during her MA studies. She’s been curating and contributing to poster shows all over Europe.
About the project
Through her project, Vitányi challenges the image media paints about migration. Having lived in a political environment which deliberately plants seeds of xenophobia, she’s looking for ways to make people aware of ways media effects us, both on an individual and societal level. In many ways, politically motivated propaganda goes unrecognized by the people, therefore Vitányi’s motivation is to create a project which sheds light on such mechanisms. The end result of the project is a pocket-sized booklet, which uncovers this issue through experiences and illustrations.
She also reacts to the topic through a process-artwork, during which she removes layers of different materials from a surface. The act symbolizes the question whether judgemental thought patterns can be removed, and if so, to what extent.