- Press Release
- June 2, 2022
Joséphine Sagna is an artist with German-Senegalese roots. She purposefully searches for self-portraiture of BIPoC (abbrev. Black, Indigenous, People of Color) women and their use of social media for self-realization, while defyingprevalent stereotypes. Her use of faceted layers, bold colors and complementing typography gives a glimpse into the conflictual search for identity. […]
Joséphine Sagna is an artist with German-Senegalese roots. She purposefully searches for self-portraiture of BIPoC (abbrev. Black, Indigenous, People of Color) women and their use of social media for self-realization, while defyingprevalent stereotypes. Her use of faceted layers, bold colors and complementing typography gives a glimpse into the conflictual search for identity.
Much of her work explores how we use modern media, in particular Instagram. Joséphine Sagna seeks out self-portraits of BIPOC women who use the platform for self-expression while defying prevailing stereotypes. She taps into the ephemeral and ever-changing media elements of our digital age. She finds new uses for them and anchors them in traditional painting. Attempting to bridge the worlds of a traditional art form and 21st century media habits, she sometimes combines images, creating her own perception of their individuality.
In her more abstract series ‘Art Therapy’ she explores the same inner conflict. Her paintings are expressions of the constant struggle between the want-to-be and have-to-be, between standing out and getting lost in the masses – manifested through a constant interplay of transcending fore- and backgrounds.
Her work “I WANT CHANGE” is featured in the current exhibition “Talking… & Other Banana Skins“.