
San Francisco / USA

Already as a child, Russian-born Nadezda drew on wallpaper and bed sheets. As a teenager, her interest shifted to music, poetry and theatre. Soon, however, she returned to painting and drawing and studied art in San Francisco. Nadezda was involved in a number of creative projects, from costume and character design for Hollywood films and theatre productions to illustration and her expressive paintings, with which she had already been represented in several exhibitions. She is working with URBAN NATION on Project M/14 in 2019. […]

Biography / Nadezda

Already as a child, Russian-born Nadezda drew on wallpaper and bed sheets. As a teenager, her interest shifted to music, poetry and theatre. Soon, however, she returned to painting and drawing and studied art in San Francisco. Nadezda was involved in a number of creative projects, from costume and character design for Hollywood films and theatre productions to illustration and her expressive paintings, with which she had already been represented in several exhibitions. She is working with URBAN NATION on Project M/14 in 2019.

Influenced by her work on film sets and in theatres, her paintings focus on figurative narratives and portray human emotions as intimate windows into the inner world of her characters. She also creates abstract charcoal drawings, photographs and prints. Irrespective of the choice of medium, her art offers the opportunity to immerse deeply into the artist’s consciousness. Nadezda’s art is shown in group and solo exhibitions in numerous galleries in the USA.

Featured on Urban Nation

  • Press Release
URBAN NATION presents: Project M/14 – Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia
Curated by Yasha Young, URBAN NATION, and Danijela Krha Purssey, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, GaiaReborn: A Future Utopia aims to inspire in visitors a vision, appreciation and care of Gaia, our Mother Earth.Fifty of the world’s best artists in pop, surrealism
Gaia Reborn
  • Project M
Project M/14 – Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia
Last Saturday, 11 May 2019, numerous guests visited the exhibition opening of Project M/14 – Gaia Reborn: A Future Utopia and were welcomed not only by a 200-year-old tree, but also by a pure plant oasis, the smell of fresh