URBAN NATION and WALLTHERAPY are excited to launch the International exchange program between Rochester and Berlin. Artists curated by the UN Director Yasha Young have been invited to participate and contribute to the program of WALLTHERAPY 2015 curated by Ian Wilson (founder, co-curator) and Erich Lehman (co-curator, lead organizer). WALLTHERAPY 2015 kicked off on July 17, 2015, and our theme for this year is surrealism and the fantastic.

Brooklyn Street Art founders Jaime Rojo and Steve Harrington will be contributing with a very exciting special talk during the week.

To start things off right, we will be holding our first proper exhibition kickoff titled IMPACT! This exhibition will take place at 1975 Gallery (89 Charlotte St.) and will showcase artwork from all the 2015 participating WALLTHERAPY artists in support of IMPACT! – IMProving Access to Care by Teleradiology – www.impactrad.org. IMPACT seeks to provide easier access to better care in underdeveloped and underserved regions through cloud-based x-ray services and a network of volunteer radiologists supporting IMPACT sites. Both WALLTHERAPY and IMPACT! are projects of The Synthesis Collaborative.

UN Exchange artists 2015 include:
Andreas Englund
Onur & Wes21
Li Hill

WT artists 2015 inklusive:
Tara McPherson
Jeff Soto
Nate Hodge
(with two more Rochester locals to be announced)

Full schedules, events, and locations will be announced in the upcoming months.
We hope you can join, tag , follow and most of all support us for this year’s exciting installment.

So much more to come, so stay tuned!

Ian, Erich, Yasha, and the wonderful WT and UN teams and volunteers.