Urban Nation presents Project M/10

A very special anniversary is coming up: we are celebrating our tenth Project M/! The URBAN NATION MUSEUM FOR URBAN CONTEMPORARY ART may not be opening until the middle of 2017, but we’ve been bringing art to the streets of Berlin for more than three years now. Over 130 works of art have been created in that period in the Project M/ series alone. URBAN NATION is all about “connect. create. care” and, fittingly, the anniversary PM/10 will be dedicated to the idea that “We’re all connected”.

“We are all connected; To each other, biologically.
To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson

They used to say that any two people are connected to each other via approximately six others. Thanks to social media, this distance has been halved in 2016: every person now knows every other person around 3.57 corners. But in fact we’re even more closely connected with one another – not only digitally, but also biologically and spiritually. In our “We’re all connected” exhibition, nine world-famous urban contemporary artists have interpreted many of the dimensions of this interrelatedness.

Franco Fasoli aka Jaz
Axel Void
Panmela Castro aka Anarkia

This exhibition is being curated at the invitation of Yasha Young, our director of URBAN NATION MUSEUM FOR URBAN CONTEMPORARY ART, as well as Marina Bortoluzzi and Marcelo Pimentel. The latter two are behind the world’s biggest street art network – Instagrafite. We can expect a wide range of artistic techniques from the high-calibre line-up of artists they’ve selected for PM/10: from video installations, to sculptures, to urban knitting. Each work of art will interpret the idea that “We’re all connected” in a unique way. But this motto represents a lot more: openness, freedom, empathy and intuition.

Come to the opening of “We’re all connected” at Bülowstraße 97 on July 30th and experience the unusual works that have been created by these special artists.

@URBAN NATION, Bülowstraße 97, 10783 Berlin

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